Fourth-graders and seventh-graders along with their mentors are expressing gratitude to both partner schools, i.e. Learning Paths School from Mohali, India and Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. Our English teacher, David Stegu, wrote the English translation of the article exclusively for you and you can find it below the Slovenian text. Additionally, a comprehensive photo gallery is also available featuring our students from the 7th grade – authors of almost all the bookmarks, which we have sent to Australia. The students of Idrija Primary School wish you all very nice days.
Mednarodni mesec šolskih knjižnic oktober 2019, šolsko leto 2019/2020. Seveda smo se zopet veselo vključili v vsem udeleženim zanimivo izmenjavo knjižnih kazalk, katere organizator je še vedno IASL – International Association of School Librarianship. Beri naprej