Izmenjava kazalk 2021 / Bookmark Exchange 2021

We thank all the foreign schools for their participation in the bookmark exchange 2021. You are now going to see the Slovenian presentation of the project. It was translated into English by the teacher Neža Ržek. The translation is available below the original. The text is accompanied by photographs of the students making and receiving the bookmarks. 

Za oktober 2021 – mednarodni mesec šolskih knjižnic je IASL (International Association of School Librarianship) kot osrednjo temo določila Pravljice in ljudske povesti po svetu (Fairy Tales and Folk Tales Around the World). Kljub še vedno trajajočim epidemiološkim ukrepom je izmenjava potekala dokaj tekoče. Vse kazalke smo prejeli in poslali v doglednem času.

V letošnjo izmenjavo je bilo vključenih preko 200 učencev Osnovne šole Idrija. Povezani smo bili s tremi šolami – hrvaško ter dvema portugalskima.

S šolo Escola Basica Bento de Freitas iz portugalskega kraja Vila do Conde so sodelovali učenci 2. c v podaljšanem bivanju pod mentorstvom učiteljice Ane Kurtanjek.

S hrvaško šolo iz Dubrovnika Osnovna škola Marina Držića sta nitke spletala 3. c razred pod mentorstvom učiteljice angleščine Branke Skrt ter skupina podaljšanega bivanja 3. in 4. b, ki jo vodi učiteljica Urša Erjavec.




Druga portugalska šola iz kraja Esposende Escola Basica Antonio Correia de Oliveira je z nami sodelovala v dveh starostnih skupinah, do in nad 12 let. Mlajše učence sta usmerjali učiteljica Erika Kavčič v skupini podaljšanega bivanja 4. b in c ter učiteljica Anita Vihtelič Janež v skupini 5. a in b. V starejšo starostno skupino so bili, kot je že običajno, vključeni vsi sedmošolci. V projekt so bili vključeni v okviru še enega projekta ter kulturnega dne Rastem s knjigo.


Glede na temo smo se na naši šoli posvetili slovenskim ljudskim pravljicam ali pa slovenskim avtorskim zgodbam. Tako mlajše kot starejša starostna skupina si je izbrala zgodbo ali več, po kateri je dalje ustvarjala kazalke z raznimi knjižnimi junaki ipd. 3. c razred pod vodstvom učiteljice Branke Skrt se je srečal z angleškim prevodom Mačka Murija, ki v angleščini sliši na ime Magic Muri. Sedmošolci, ki kot običajno pri temi ustvarjanja niso povsem vodeni, so na slovenske pravljice pogledali z različnih vidikov. Kazalke starejših in mlajših učencev so vsebovale tudi sporočila in pozdrave tujim šolarjem.


Vse sodelujoče šole so bile tokrat iz obalnih krajev.

Projekt je na dubrovniški šoli vodila gospa Andrea Pedrija. Pri izdelavi so bili zelo hitri, njihova pošiljka kazalk je bila prva, ki smo jo prejeli. Vse kazalke so lično opremili s knjižnimi bralnimi predlogi. Ob zaključku so nam poslali tudi simpatično Power Point predstavitev poteka projekta.

Esposende in Vila do Conde sta manjši mesti z okrog 35 000 prebivalci. Obe stojita na severozahodu Porugalske, malce višje od večjega mesta Porto.

Na šoli Escola Basica Bento de Freitas smo v stiku ostajali s koordinatorico Claudio Cruz. Izdelali so lične kazalke na temo zgodbice o kokošji družini. Do nas so prispeli petelinčki, kokoške, piščančki, ki so se jih drugošolci resnično razveselili.

Druga portugalska šola se je prvič vključila v izmenjavo kazalk. Ker smo z njimi sodelovali z obema starostnima skupinama, so za mlajše prispele bolj preproste kazalke, za starejše pričakovano bolj izpopolnjene, oboje pa so z zanimivo idejo na hrbtni strani vsebovale QR kodo, ki je vodila do obnov zgodb, po katerih so nastale kazalke.


Ponovno hvala vsem za prijazno sodelovanje in vse dobro v prihodnje.



The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) chose the topic of Fairy Tales and Folk Tales around the World as the central theme of October 2021 – the International School Library Month. Despite the ongoing epidemiological measures, the exchange progressed quite smoothly as we have received and sent all the bookmarks in time.

This year, over 200 pupils of Idrija Primary School participated in the project. We joined forces with three other schools – one Croatian school and two Portuguese.



The pupils of the 2. c class worked with the school Escola Basica Bento de Freitas from the Portuguese town Vila do Conde. They made bookmarks in the after-school care under mentorship of the teacher Ana Kurtanjek.

The 3. c class under mentorship of their English teacher Branka Skrt and the after-school care group of students from the 3. c and 4. c class mentored by Urša Erjavec teamed up with the Croatian school Osnovna škola Marina Držića from Dubrovnik.



The other Portuguese school from Esposende, Escola Basica Antonio Correia de Oliveira, had two different age groups working with us – students under twelve and students above twelve years of age. The younger students were guided by the teacher Erika Kavčič in the after-school care group of the 4. b and 4. c class and the teacher Anita Vihtelič Janež in the group of the classess 5. a and 5. b. As usual, the older age group consisted of all the seventh graders, who made bookmarks as part of another project and a cultural day Growing Up with a Book.





In accordance with the topic of the project our school explored Slovene folktales and stories. The students of both age groups chose one or more stories that served as inspiration for their paper creations depicting different fictional characters, etc. The 3. c class got to know the English translation of Maček Muri – Magic Muri. The seventh graders, on the other hand, were free to study the Slovene fairy tales from different angles. All the students’ bookmarks also included messages and greetings for their foreign peers.





All the participating schools came from coastal towns.

At the Dubrovnik school the project was led by Mrs. Adrea Perdija. The students from Dubrovnik worked fast and their parcel was the first one we received. Their creations were neatly accompanied by reading suggestions. At the end they also sent us a Power Point presentation of the project.



Esposende and Vila do Conde are small towns with about 35 000 inhabitants. They are located in the northwest of Portugal, just north of the city of Porto.


We remained in touch with the coordinator Claudia Cruz from the school Escola Basica Bento de Freitas. The students have created bookmarks on the topic of a story about a hen family. We received many roosters, hens and chicks that have left our second graders overjoyed.

The other Portuguese school joined the project for the first time. Students from both age groups participated. Our younger students have received simpler creations, while, as expected, the older students were sent more elaborate designs. Nevertheless, all the bookmarks came with a QR code that leads to an English summary of the story it was inspired by.


Once again we thank you all for your friendly cooperation and wish you all the best. Let the photos paint you a more colourful picture of our work during the project.




Neža Ržek, Martina Vidmar